

艾萨克·彼特,业主/总统诺贝尔Jenison混凝土,密歇根州。建议Vexcon ac - 1315作为检验员他依赖。读到的游泳池边的项目他安装和使用Vexcon ac - 1315。

最重要的一部分工作是有一个好的封口机,”彼特说。“你不想要一个黄色。”Jonker explains that when his company installed jobs, they usually had to wait until the concrete cured before they could apply the sealer. Coming back to a job two to three weeks after its completed and hasn't yet been sealed can leave the door open to a lot of potential problems. "This is a breathable sealer," says Jonker. "The concrete can still breathe after the sealer is applied, so you can put the sealer on in just a day or two. It doesn't drag out the job." Being able to rely on the performance of this sealer has allowed Jonker to get his crew in quick and get out quick. "This sealer has really helped our business with getting things done," he says.


老板推荐的艾萨克·彼特/主席www.nobelconcrete.com在Jenison, MI。

维穿透封口机 专利技术,低光泽,附着力好
深穿透封口机 RadonSeal——防水衣裤和加强。
Clear-Seal Increte系统 海豹和保护装饰表面。
穿透混凝土封口机 (5加仑179.95美元。)
溢价外观清晰封口机 高固体丙烯酸涂料
101 - V-Seal穿透封口机 1加仑39.95美元。
装饰密封材料 活性和渗透公式在不同水平的光泽。
研究混凝土封口机 经济功能,湿混凝土外观。
水的渗透 封口机的车道、停车场结构、广场、人行道和更多。